What is Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threating behaviour, violence, or abuse between people in a relationship. It can harm children and young people who witness the abuse.

NO ABUSE is committed in empowering women to take back control of their lives.

How to Recognise Abuse

Do the statements below remind you of your partner or someone you know?

  • They blame you for their abusive actions.
  • They put you down.
  • They do not want you to go out or have friends.

We at No Abuse run support groups for women experiencing Domestic Violence

We support women to understand what Domestic Abuse is, and how they can empower themselves to be free from abuse.

The Groups are designed to offer individuals a safe place to talk and too find they solutions in addressing their issues.

The groups aim is too also:

  • Enable women to take control of their own lives.
  • To build women’s self-esteem and confidence.
  • How to recognise the signs of an abuser, and to place the responsibilities on the perpetrator.
  • When is a good time to leave an abuser?
  • The effects of Domestic Abuse on children.

The sessions are run over 12 weeks and is free to all women. Unfortunately, we do not provide creche facilities for children. All session are confidential unless it posses a risk to clients or others.

Women can apply for a place by completing the referral form below.