An Image A Cactus in a White Pot

Talk Counselling Events

At Talk Counselling we are all about the community. Our goal is to empower individuals with the necessary tools, knowledge and support to encourage better mental health and wellbeing.

With a number of Therapists, Counsellors, Mentors and Workshop Facilitators we are able to hold a range of events in various formats to support the community.

Online Events:

Ask the Counsellor

This is a fortnightly Q and A which is delivered online. Members of the community will have the opportunity to contact Talk Counselling via Facebook Live or Instagram Live.

The sessions will run for one hour slots and a different topic will be discussed every fortnight. These sessions will provide the community with the opportunity to gain more insight on topics such as Mental ill Health, depression, coping through Covid-19, emotional wellbeing, counselling theories and much more.

Talk Counselling Podcast

Every week you will have the opportunity to view a podcast presented by Talk Counselling. We will discuss current issues to do with healthy lifestyles, relationships, self-care and more. From time to time we will have special guests such as acknowledged specialists in the field of mental health & wellbeing and individuals giving testimonies of their own health and wellbeing journey.

In house Events:

Tea and Talk

Tea and Talk

Talk Counselling will facilitate fortnightly therapeutic discussion groups for men and women to come and share, listen and learn about life matters such as self-esteem, confidence building and emotional wellbeing.

These sessions will be hosted in house and Facilitated by our Counsellors/Therapists. The evening is a relaxed and welcoming space where participants can come along for casual conversation about topics of interest. Refreshments will be provided on the evening (Tea & Biscuits/Snacks).

Session Time: 7pm -9pm Fortnightly

NOTE: These sessions are for casual conversation and are not counselling sessions.